I first came across terrariums on BLDG25 when they did a piece on the URBN company Terrain & have been smitten with them ever since. They are unexpected and quirky, a unique take on the traditional spring flower arrangement. They bring a bit of nature, a bit of green, & are so fun to make. After going a little crazy & making four of these little beauties I decided to share my newest obsession with you lovely people!
You will need:
Filter rocks
Activated charcoal
Potting soil
A container of your choice. I love using mason jars because you can see the layers of the terrarium.
Assorted plants
It is important that the plants you choose will thrive in your container. I chose succulents because they can survive in a dry environment & to be quite honest I have a bad habit of killing plants. The less I have to water them the better. If you choose a closed in jar make sure you choose plants that require a moist environment, as the jar will hold in the moisture.
Layer the filter rocks at the bottom of your container. I used fish tank rocks.
Layer a bit of activated charcoal on top of the filter rocks. This will take care of the odor given off by decomposition.
On top of your rocks & charcoal add a layer of soil. Make sure you have enough for roots to grow.
This is my favorite part! Mix & match different plants & colors for a unique & eye-catching arrangement. Helpful hint: if you're working with cacti use kitchen tongs to place it.
There you have it folks, your very own terrarium. Happy planting!