Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Baby Plays The Guitar, I Pick a Banjo Now

There is something incredibly personal about watching someone create music.  It is as though you are glimpsing into the depths of their soul, as if the music is revealing secrets of the soul that words cannot explain.  It is the look on their face, the rythm of their movements, their mind, body, and soul are in sync, as if they have transcended from their body and are existing through the music, through the isntrument.  It is a truly inspiring sight to behold.
I have absolutely no musical abililty. I have tried time and time again to learn and it just does not click in my brain.  So to listen to someone's music, to how natural the words and melodies flow from their bodies and souls, is an incredibly powerful experience for me.  I am always left with a sense of awe. I could spend hours getting lost listening to my favorite vinyls, sharing a moment with the talented voices behind he music, or listening to friends stum the guitar, crating beautiful, organic music.  There is nothing quite as powerful and personal as music.
1 2 3 4 5

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