Saturday, August 11, 2012

Welcome to The Tale of the Gypsy.  I was inspired to redo my blog, formerly Denim & Lace, by a conversation I had with a friend, during which he stated, "I have kind of fallen into a 'thing'.  I know who I am, I am not looking for that anymore."  A simple statement, yet it reverberated in my mind and made me think.  
 I know who I am.  I know who I want to be.  And my desire to reflect that and inspire others in one way or another is not done justice in a blog that discusses only fashion.  Thus, The Tale of the Gypsy was born.  This blog is my outlet, my voice, a direct reflection of the true me, and all that inspires and moves me.  And perhaps, it will inspire you as well.  

Here are a few images to start you off, my lovely readers, and just a taste of what is to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Caitlyn -- I am fascinated with your eye and voice! Have been pinning your images all morning while I watch the snow swirl and dance outside my window and have been lost in imagination. So many lovely things here -- so much wisdom. I'm completely enchanted!
